God’s plan to help us be what we ought to be.
We Have Seen His Glory
2023 July 16
John 1:14: In this lesson we are reminded of the importance of seeing the glory of Jesus.
In the Image of God
2023 July 23
Genesis 1:27: There is a sense in which we understand that man, as created by God, is glorious. Jesus chose to become one of us. To love us. To help us. To die for us. You are made in the image of God and are glorious. But a greater glory awaits us.
Falling Short of God’s Glory
2023 July 30
Romans 3:23: In this lesson we are reminded that all of us have sinned, yet God’s plan was to bring us back to glory.
How Can I Give You Up?
2023 August 6
Hosea 11:1-9: God did not give up on unfaithful Israel, but chose to love her and save her. In this lesson we are reminded from several passages that although we have sinned, our Father loves us and our brother wants to save us.
Do I Need Saving?
2023 August 13
1 John 4:17-18: I’m okay, I don’t need saving. But a day of judgment is coming, and God knows how to judge. Our hope is in his love that gives us confidence on that day.
In This Hope We Are Saved
2023 August 20
Romans 8:24: What hope is there for those who have fallen short of the glory of God? The message of the Old Testament is one of hope for all people, that in the messiah we can all be blessed and find forgiveness. There is hope in Jesus.
In This Hope We Are Saved (a little more hope)
2023 August 27
Romans 8:24: What hope is there for those who have fallen short of the glory of God? The message of the Old Testament is one of hope for all people, that in the messiah we can all be blessed and find forgiveness. There is hope in Jesus.
Turning Hearts
2023 September 10
Malachi 4:5-6. Elijah came to turn the hearts of God’s people back to him. John the baptizer came in the likeness of Elijah and reminds us of why we should choose to follow Jesus.
He Trusted in Jehovah
2023 September 17
2 Kings 18-19. Hezekiah trusted in Jehovah. When his faith was challenged he still trusted only in Jehovah. And we can trust in Him for our salvation too.
A Broken and Contrite Heart
2023 September 24
2 Samuel 12:13; Psalm 51: David reminds us that although we’ve sinned when we turn back to our God with a broken and contrite heart he will show mercy and forgive our sins. Repentance leads to the restoration, so that we can be glorious.
Who Do You Say That I Am?
2023 October 1
Matthew 16:13-20: Nathanael and Peter remind us that confessing is about much more than just saying words.
United With Him
2023 October 8
Romans 6:5: A reminder that in baptism we are uniting together with Jesus in his death and his resurrection so that we can share in his glory.
The Hope of Glory
2023 October 15
Colossians 1:27: Even for those who have fallen short of God’s glory, there is still hope of glory in Jesus. By seeking glory through faith in him and abiding in him we will bear fruit, have eternal life, and abide in his love and joy.