The Vine and The Branches
2021 July 11
John 15:5: This lesson reminds us that because we are each branches in Christ, we ought to love each other. There is more to being a church than just worshiping together and we need to grow in our love and consider one another.
The Church of Christ
2021 July 25
Acts 2:41-47: The church is people. Sometimes we get so caught up in various aspects of understanding the church, that we forget. This is just a reminder.
Figures of the Church (Part 1)
2021 August 8
Ephesians 2:11-22: Paul uses 6 different figures of the church to help us understand the nature of the church: flock, kingdom, family, temple, body, and bride. Five of these (in part) emphasize the unity of the body which has many members, reminding us of the value and necessity of each of us in the church.
Figures of the Church (Part 2)
2021 August 29
Ephesians 2:11-22: Paul uses 6 different figures of the church to help us understand the nature of the church: flock, kingdom, family, temple, body, and bride. Five of these (in part) emphasize the unity of the body which has many members, reminding us of the value and necessity of each of us in the church.
God Is Love
2021 October 3
1 John 4:7-12: When we love one another, God’s love is perfected in us. Loving one another has its roots in who God is and what he does for us. When we become his children, we ought to love one another.
Love One Another
2021 October 31
1 John 3:11-24: John reminds us that loving one another is not an option for those who are in Christ. Either we love one another, as Jesus loved us; or we are like Cain and Satan. We should love one another, we can know if we are loving one another, we ought to love one another and he commands us to love one another.
Just As I Have Loved You
2021 December 26
John 13:34-35: Are you a disciple of Jesus? How do others know? Jesus said that the world will know we are disciples when we love one another as He loved us. How did Jesus love the disciples? In Mark 9 and 10 we see three examples of Jesus’ love: he bears with them; receives them; and is a servant.
Believe and Love
2022 February 27
1 John 3:23: John combines belief in Jesus and loving one another into one commandment, thus reminding us that both are necessary for salvation. Some have tended to so emphasize belief that love has been neglected. James helps reminds us of how our faith and loving one another blend into a beautiful picture of one who is striving to be like Jesus.
Set Your Mind!
2022 June 26
Matthew 16:23. What does it mean to have your mind set on the things of man (flesh) or things of God (spirit)? Euodia and Syntyche are encouraged to agree (be of the same mind); Peter’s mind is on the things of man. How do we move on from childish thought to mature mindedness?
Live in Harmony
2022 July 3
Matthew 16:23. What does it mean to have your mind set on the things of man (flesh) or things of God (spirit)? Euodia and Syntyche are encouraged to agree (be of the same mind); Peter’s mind is on the things of man. How do we move on from childish thought to mature mindedness?
Have This Mind Among Yourselves
2022 August 7
Philippians 1:27 – 2:11: For us to be for the same mind, and live in harmony, we must take time to think clearly and deeply about the example Jesus gave us of being a humble servant for others.
Hating One Another
2022 October 30
Titus 3:3: Hatred is one of the characteristics of the world, but must not be of those who follow Christ. In this lesson we’ll consider the dangers of hating one another.