Holy Brothers
2023 November 5
Hebrews 2:6- 3:6: In bringing many sons to glory, our Father is also adopting us into his house so that we are brothers and sisters with Jesus and with one another. He even refers to us as holy brothers. What implications does this have for our relationship with Jesus and with each other?
(There is no audio for this lesson, sorry.)
adelphos (brothers and sisters)
2023 November 12
Of all the metaphors for believers, the one most often used in the NT is “adelphos” (siblings, brothers and sisters). After Jesus’ ascension the company who gathered in the upper room consisted of both men and women, and Peter calls all of them brethren. In Acts 15, both Jewish believers and Gentile believers are called brethren. Parts of this lesson based on “Reclaiming the Church Family: A Solution to the Corporate-Church Crisis)” by Matthew T. Kimbrough
Am I My Brother’s Keeper?
2023 November 19
Acts 7:20-29: Moses sought to be with his brothers but they rejected him. And he was exiled. Cain refused to care for his brother, and he was alone. But it’s not good for man to be alone. Why do we slip into the thinking of Cain so easily and find ourselves alone? Being brothers is not easy, but let brotherly love continue.
Knit Souls
2023 November 26
1 Samuel 18:1: Jonathan and David remind us that brethren can have deep, meaningful relationships. We must be intentional, be faithful, love, and be knit. Original lesson: The Power of Friendship: Lessons from Jonathan and David. 2008 October 26
A Servant to All
2023 December 3
1 Corinthians 9:19: Paul reminds the brothers and sisters in Corinth that their individualism and rights are not as important as loving each other, helping each other and building each other up.
Do You Despise the Church?
2023 December 10
1 Corinthians 11:17-34: Paul reminds the brothers and sisters in Corinth that when we come together to worship we must be especially mindful that even in partaking of the supper we may humiliate and despise our siblings. It’s a vital warning for us to be wary of the individualism that exalts myself over brothers and sisters.
Excel in Building Up the Church
2023 December 17
1 Corinthians 12, 14: Paul reminds the brothers and sisters in Corinth that when we come together to worship we must be especially mindful that our individual gifts are used to build up each other.
A Still More Excellent Way
2023 December 24
1 Corinthians 12:31 – 13:13: Paul teaches the Corinthians on their level of spiritual immature that love is excellent and great. He reminds them that they should pursue love because Love gives meaning, Love is altruistic, Love is strong and Love never ends.