Open Doors
Open Doors
2022 January 2
Revelation 3:8: An introduction to our theme this year, emphasizing that our God opens doors for us.
A Door of Hope
2022 February 13
Hosea 2:14-15: The Valley of Achor (trouble) will be turned into a door of hope by Jehovah. By looking at Hosea 2, Psalm 42-43, and Romans 4-5 we can see that our valley of trouble may be caused by our own unfaithfulness, others, or waiting for God’s promises. Yet as we struggle through the valley, God provides us with a door of hope through his love, light, and truth so that we can rejoice in hope.
Is There A Place?
2022 March 6
Luke 2:7. When Joseph and Mary came to Bethlehem, there was no place for the Messiah’s birth in a guest room. Although Israel in general was looking forward to the Messiah, many rejected Jesus anyway. Is there a place for Jesus in your heart?
Why Are You Looking for Jesus?
2022 May 1
Luke 2:41-52: When Jesus stayed in the temple at 12 years old, his parents searched for him. Why did a twelve year old seek out the teachers in the temple? Where should we search for Jesus, and why are you seeking him?
When Daniel Knew
2022 May 29
Daniel 6: When Daniel was unjustly thrown into the lion’s den, Jehovah saved him. Daniel reminds us that we are shining lights in this world when we serve him continually and trust Him. And that means there are opportunities when we are at our jobs, when we face adversaries, and we may even find unexpected allies in this world.
Rebuild the House
2022 September 11
Ezra 1:3: How do we know when an opportunity is from God? And how do we stir ourselves up to take advantage of the opportunity? How do we cope with adversity when it arises? And how do we celebrate the work being done?
(Only partial audio, sorry.)
The Narrow Door
2022 November 6
Luke 13:20-33: Jesus is asked whether only a few will be saved. Instead of answering that question, he makes us think about our own salvation: will I enter the kingdom of God? So we are warned in this lesson of the danger of deceiving ourselves and the importance of striving to enter the kingdom.
Open Your Eyes
2022 December 11
2 Kings 6:17: Elisha being attacked by the Syrians reminds us that sometimes it’s easier to see our enemies than it is is to see God’s presence. It reminds us that we must be ready to deal with the enemies through prayer, preparation, and kindness.
Wake Up
2022 December 18
Revelation 3:1-3: Jesus warns the church in Sardis that they are dead and tells them to wake up. This waking is not waking from a sleep, but waking from the dead. To be alive they must strengthen, remember, keep and repent. Paul told the Ephesian brethren that they needed to wake from the dead also and that Christ would shine on them. True life in Christ is glorious. What will we choose? Will we stay dead, or will we wake up?
Christ Will Shine On You
2022 December 25
Ephesians 5:13-21: The coming of Jesus is majestic, glorious, and light. That light is about our salvation, and our hope. Amazingly, we sometimes sleep (like the dead) and Paul urges us to wake up so that Christ can shine on us (again?). Waking up requires us to reconsider our own lives and how we can help our brethren.