01) How Long? (Psalm 13)
2019 August 18
Where is God? How long until Jehovah acts? Jehovah’s promises to Abraham remind us that He has a plan and will keep His promises; but on His timetable. We can learn at least five lessons: 1) He’s doing what’s best for me; 2) He’s preparing me; 3) Keep seeking Him; 4) Keep trusting Him; and, 5) Be steadfast and love Him.
02) See the Salvation of Jehovah – 1 (Exodus 13 – 15)
2020 January 26
The journey into the wilderness for Israel began with powerful demonstrations to Jehovah’s power and love for his people, yet the people still struggled with fear and unbelief. It’s important that we constantly see our salvation and remember the power and love of the one who delivers us.
03) See The Salvation of Jehovah: Part 2 — Our Struggle (Exodus 13 – 15)
2020 February 2
Exodus 13-15: The journey into the wilderness for Israel began with powerful demonstrations to Jehovah’s power and love for his people, yet the people still struggled with fear and unbelief. Three lessons are drawn from this for our growth: 1) from defiance of the world to rebellion against Jehovah; 2) from rebelling to faith; and, 3) faith leads to praise
A Table in the Wilderness (Psalm 78:19)
2020 March 15
Lesson suggested by, and borrowed from, Jim McGuiggan’s Celebrating the Wrath of God, Introduction. When we realize that we must pass through the wilderness to get home, sometimes we struggle with our trust in God, our Redeemer. Yet, our Father is leading us through the wilderness on purpose: for His sake, our sake, and the sake of the world.
Your Healer
2021 January 24
Exodus 15:22-27: When God lead the Israelites into the wilderness, after three days without finding water they arrive at a place with only bitter water and the people complain to Moses. However Jehovah has brought them to this place as a test, to help them see how important it is to trust him wherever he may lead them.
Raining Bread
2021 February 21
Exodus 16: The grumbling for lack of food was heard by Jehovah and he demonstrated (again) his power and glory by providing manna and quail. But it was also a test of the people’s faithfulness. God shows himself to be generous, and so desires that we trust him and obey him while following him through the wilderness.
Is Jehovah Among Us or Not?
2021 June 6
Exodus 17:1-7: When the people are lead by God to a place without water, they quarrel with God and test Him. But this was a test and thus the hearts of the people were revealed. But God’s purpose was greater and provided for them.
Is Jehovah Among Us or Not? (Part 2: What Jehovah IS Doing)
2021 June 27
Exodus 17:1-7: God tests the hearts of his people when he leads them to a place in the wilderness where there is no water. What is He doing? In this lesson we discover that Jehovah knows what we are going through, that we are his people, and he has a purpose for us. This is a test that reveals our heart and we must remember that Jehovah is with us.
Jehovah Is My Banner
2021 September 12
Exodus 17:8-16: The Amalekites attacked the weak of Israel. In this lesson, we are reminded that the wicked will attack us, and especially those who are weak. We must all be ready to fight, to rally to Jehovah our Banner, ready to help those who are weak and those who lead us. And we must worship and remember the victory given to us our God.
Now I Know
2021 October 17
Exodus 18:1, 8-12: When Jethro visits Moses in the wilderness, he learns of the reality of all that Jehovah had done and worships God. We can see from this lesson the importance of seeking the truth, telling the whole truth, and rejoicing in the truth.
Eagles’ Wings
2021 November 21
2 Chronicles 6:12-42; 7:11-15: Solomon’s prayer at the dedication of the temple includes several pleas for Jehovah to hear the prayers of His people and forgive them. We learn from this lesson that we must be ready to hear, forgive, and help those who seek forgiveness.
A Holy Nation – 1
2022 January 16
Exodus 19:4-25: Through the wilderness, Jehovah brought his people to him at Mt. Sinai with amazing plans for them. Through Jesus, our Father brings us to himself so that we can be his people and proclaim him.
A Holy Nation – Where Jesus Has Brought You
2022 January 23
Exodus 19:4-25: Through the wilderness, Jehovah brought his people to him at Mt. Sinai with amazing plans for them. Through Jesus, our Father brings us to himself so that we can be his people and proclaim him.
A Holy Nation: How Am I To Live?
2022 January 30
Exodus 19:4-25: Through the wilderness, Jehovah brought his people to him at Mt. Sinai with amazing plans for them. Through Jesus, our Father brings us to himself so that we can be his people and proclaim him.
What About the Children?
2022 March 27
Exodus 13:17-18: On the journey through the wilderness, undoubtedly the innocent children suffered. Why does God allow the innocent to suffer? Why does he not act? With no easy answers, we must consider God’s love and his purpose.
(With apologies to Jim McGuiggan. Much of the thoughts and direction of this lesson are based on his thoughts in his book: Celebrating the Wrath of God: Reflections on the Agony and Ecstasy of His Relentless Love. Chapter: God’s Curse and Little Children. (Nook edition, p. 31-35))
Throughout All Their Journeys
2022 May 15
Exodus 40:34-38: As the people of Israel prepare to leave Mt. Sinai, they take with them the tabernacle. Filled with God’s glory, the cloud and the fire, leads them. God is with them through all their wilderness journey. Some thoughts borrowed from Jim McGuiggan: Celebrating the Wrath of God. Chapter 6: Our Fellow Pilgrim
Just Weights
2022 August 14
Proverbs 11:1: Jehovah delights in just weights. It seems ordinary, yet this is indicates a level of honesty, generosity, and kindness that emulates the heart of God.
Borrowed from Jim McGuiggan: Celebrating the Wrath of God: The Agony and Ecstasy of His Relentless Love, Chapter 7: Lizzie Eaton’s Scales.
The Testing and Triumph of Trust
2022 October 9
Numbers 10:29-32: On their journey through the wilderness Moses invites Hobab to join them knowing the good Jehovah is doing for them. The wilderness is hard, belief and trust are hard, and yet God has given us reason to trust him, not ourselves. The wilderness helps us to know God, and trust his power and promises. (This lesson is borrowed from Jim McGuiggan’s book “Celebrating the Wrath of God”, chapter 8: The Triumph of Trust.)
Celebrating the Wilderness (part 1)
2022 November 27
Leviticus 23:40-43: Why would Jehovah command Israel to celebrate the journey through the wilderness? The wilderness is not just about the trials, but also teaches us about who our God is and helps us to understand his wrath.
Lesson borrowed from Jim McGuiggan’s book: Celebrating the Wrath of God: Reflections on the Agony and Ecstasy of His Relentless Love, Chapter 9: Celebrating the Wrath of God.
Celebrating the Wilderness (part 2)
2022 December 4
Leviticus 23:40-43: Why would Jehovah command Israel to celebrate the journey through the wilderness? The wilderness is not just about the trials, but also teaches us about who our God is and helps us to understand his wrath.
Lesson borrowed from Jim McGuiggan’s book: Celebrating the Wrath of God: Reflections on the Agony and Ecstasy of His Relentless Love, Chapter 9: Celebrating the Wrath of God.