I’ve organized my lessons by sermon series. The occasional lesson that is not associated with a series will be posted under Miscellaneous. My hope is that you’ll find these lessons useful to help you grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. Remember that these are the words of a man, take them for what they are worth. Truth is only to be found in God’s inspired Word. For a while, I will be posting not only current lessons but also past lessons as I have time.

The Hebrew writer informs us of 6 basic principles of being a mature disciple.

Lessons from Romans 12

Bone & Flesh & Faith
Holy Women Who Hoped in God

The Depths of the Cross
January 2025

Firstborn Among Many Brothers
Some thoughts to help us understand what it means to have Jesus as our brother.

One Another
Considering some of the passages that refer to our relationships.

Open Doors
Opportunities in the Kingdom

For a few of the Psalms, I’ve made slide shows. I hope they will help you as you consider the meaning of the Psalms.

Righteousness in the Kingdom of Heaven
A study of the sermon on the mount. Matthew 5 – 7

Thoughts from John’s gospel. John tells us that he had written this book so that we might believe and have eternal life.

Studies on the traits listed by Peter in 2 Peter 1:5-7.

Lessons intended to help us think more deeply and clearly about our salvation. It seems that it is one of those topics that we think we fully understand, so many of us fail to take time to plumb the depths and gain a more meaningful understanding of Jesus’ sacrifice. Many of the thoughts in these lessons are inspired by and based upon the book “The Dragon Slayer” by Jim McGuiggan. I think it’s well worth your time to read and consider his thoughts in this book.