Peter’s Letters to the Elect Exiles
2024 January – May
Blessed Be the God and Father
2024 January 7
1 Peter 1:1-12: Peter gives the elect exiles reasons to praise God, based on his mercy and power. It is an expression of his grace toward us and the glory he has planned for us. So that we love him, believe in him and rejoice in our salvation in him.
Hoping on Grace
2024 January 14
1 Peter 1:13 – 2:3: Because we have been ransomed through Jesus and we are anticipating the revelation of Jesus, Peter helps us understand three keys in how we spend our time in exile: 1) preparing your minds for action; 2) being sober-minded; and 3) having your hope set fully on God’s grace.
As You Come to Him
2024 January 21
1 Peter 2:4-10: Peter reminds the elect exiles of who Jesus is, who they are in Him, and what we are to do.
Gracious Good
2024 January 28
1 Peter 2:11-20: Peter reminds these exiles that they have two wars: their flesh and the unbelievers. So they must learn to abstain from the passions of the flesh, have honorable conduct, do good, live as free people, and endure suffering.
Shepherd and Overseer
2024 February 11
1 Peter 2:21-25: Peter reminds these exiles that they have two wars: their flesh and the unbelievers. So they must learn to abstain from the passions of the flesh, have honorable conduct, do good, live as free people, and endure suffering. In this lesson, we examine the example that Jesus set for us.
Be Subject
2024 February 25
1 Peter 2:13-3:12: Peter’s exhortation to be subject to government, masters, husbands, wives, and that all of us are thoughtful of others is difficult for most of us, especially when we face suffer because of those who are unjust. Peter reminds us that because of our relationship with God, we must continue to do good, especially by sharing the good news of Jesus with them.
You Will Be Blessed
2024 March 3
1 Peter 3:13-22: As Peter continues to encourage us through our exile, he reminds us that though we my suffer and come to harm, God wants to bless us. So we don’t have to fear or be troubled, we keep Jesus in our hearts as Lord, and we tell others of our hope. The example of Christ reminds us that Jesus suffered also, but was blessed.
Arm Yourselves
2024 March 24
1 Peter 4:1-11: Peter continues his encouragement about how we cope with the suffering that comes to Jesus’ elect exiles. Now he tells us to arm ourselves with the same thinking as Jesus. In this case he points out four important areas: ceasing from sin, living for God’s will, above all loving, showing hospitality, and serving one another. In doing all these things, God is glorified.
The Fiery Trial
2024 April 7
1 Peter 4:12-19: Peter prepares us for the sufferings we will face during the fiery trial, suffering he is familiar with as he considers the life of Jesus and his own life. He reminds us that it’s not strange or surprising. That it is a test and it is God’s will and we should not be ashamed. There is shame if we suffer for murder, theft, evil doing and meddling.
Responding To The Fiery Trial
2024 April 21
1 Peter 4:12-19: Peter prepares us for the sufferings we will face during the fiery trial, suffering he is familiar with as he considers the life of Jesus and his own life. He reminds us to rejoice and look forward, to glorify God, to trust God, and to do good.
2024 April 28
1 Peter 5: As Peter concludes this letter to the elect exiles, in the face of so much suffering, he reminds them that they do have a powerful adversary, but they can resist him. Four aids in resisting the Devil are the elders, humility, being sober minded and watchful, and focusing on eternal glory.
Partakers of the Divine Nature
2024 May 5
2 Peter 1: Peter reminds us that our God has big plans for us to be like him, and that we must add to our faith so that we are an asset to him. The key Peter emphasizes is knowledge throughout this chapter, especially reminding us that we must pay attention to the knowledge that comes from God and not from they myths of man.
False Teachers part 1
2024 May 12
2 Peter 2: Peter helps these saints to understand the dangers of these false teachers who would entice us away from Christ. They have three essential traits: destructive heresies, sensuality, and greed.
False Teachers part 2
2024 May 19
2 Peter 2: Peter warns us against false teachers whose desire is to exploit us, lie to us and entice us to follow after their heresies, sensuality, and greed. He reminds us of their ungodly character and that our God knows how to both judge them and rescue the godly.
2024 May 26
2 Peter 3: Peter next warns us of scoffers who essentially find any reason to dismiss and deride Jehovah. Peter reminds us that Jesus and his words are trustworthy, there will be a judgment, and that judgment should change how we live: in holiness, godliness, and eagerly expecting him to come, fulfilling his promise and providing us with something better.
2024 June 2
2 Peter 3: Because some scriptures are hard to understand and some will force them to say things God never intended, Peter warns us to take care.