The Depths of the Cross

Boasting in the Cross

2025 January 12

Galatians 6:14: Why would I boast in the cross? Paul helps us to remember to take time to really think deeply about what the cross means to my life so that I can glory in the salvation and reconciliation we have in Jesus Christ’s death. In looking at the cross, we see the power of God, the hope of peace, the reconciliation and the love that saves us. Realizing these things we are crucified to the world and find life in Jesus.   (Adapted from “The Wondrous Cross,” in The Cross by Martyn Lloyd-Jones)

The Offense of the Cross

2025 January 19

Galatians 5:11: The cross is offensive to some because of it’s apparent weakness and foolishness. In this lesson we consider the roots of that along with striving to understand why I might be offended by the cross. The lesson concludes with reminders of why the cross is the power and the wisdom of God.  (Adapted from The Cross by Martyn Lloyd-Jones)

The Spectacle of the Cross

2025 February 9

Luke 23:48  The day that Jesus died, the people assembled to see a spectacle. What did they see? Pilate and soldiers, those who passed by and the Jewish leaders, the criminals and the women, the bystanders and the centurion. But these are all superficial (still meaningful!) And as we look into the depths of the cross we can see the life dying, the light shining in darkness, the good shepherd as the passover lamb, and love loving. (Adapted from The Cross by Martyn Lloyd-Jones)

The Power of the Cross: Part 1 — A Prophecy

2025 February 23

1 Corinthians 1:17; Psalm 22: The Power of the cross is evident in the fulfillment of prophecy. Jehovah provided these utterances to help the people of Israel understand what was happening the day that Jesus died. In this lesson our focus is on Psalm 22 that reminds Israel and us that he is the Messiah, that He is the King, and that he is bringing salvation for all.  (Adapted from The Cross by Martyn Lloyd-Jones)

Slide Deck with Notes (PDF)

The Power of the Cross: Part 2 — Signs in Nature

2025 March 9

1 Corinthians 1:17: The Power of the cross is also evident in the darkness, the tearing of the curtain, the earthquake and the resurrections. These events should fill us with awe and remind us that in that moment our God was accomplishing his great plan for our salvation.  (Adapted from The Cross by Martyn Lloyd-Jones)

Overcoming the World

2025 March 16

1 John 5:4-5: The way of the world is vanity, and yet pervasive. In this lesson we are reminded that there are only two ways and that the consequences of continuing to follow in the ways of the world will lead to destruction and the loss of our souls.  But through the cross of Jesus, we can be crucified to the world and have victory by our faith, confirming to the image of Jesus. (Adapted from The Cross by Martyn Lloyd-Jones)