Be Transformed
Lessons from Romans 12
Conformed? or Transformed! (Romans 12:1-2)
2020 April 26
Lesson blatantly stolen from Darrel Yontz, then brutally changed. As God’s children, are we conformed to the world, or are we being transformed into the image of Christ?
The above presentation is just the slides, without audio. If you’d like to hear the audio for the lesson it’s available on Facebook and YouTube.
Transformed to the Same Image (2 Corinthians 3:18)
2020 May 3
2 Corinthians 3:18: Paul tells us that we are being transformed to the same image of Jesus. But what does that mean? Can I be glorious like Jesus? Absolutely! But the focus must not be on Jesus’ deity, but his choice to love us and come as a servant to save us. This lesson borrowed from Darrel Yontz partially.
The above presentation is just the slides, without audio. If you’d like to hear the audio for the lesson it’s available on Facebook and YouTube.
A Living Sacrifice (Romans 12:1)
2020 May 10
To be transformed to the image of Jesus Christ, we chose to be a living sacrifice. But what does that mean? A sacrifice is devotion of something completely in honor of another. In Christ, we join with Jesus in baptism we die to sin and are made alive to God.
The above presentation is just the slides, without audio. If you’d like to hear the audio for the lesson it’s available on Facebook and YouTube.
Slaves of God (Romans 12:1-2; 6:12-23)
2020 May 17
Real transformation can only take place when we understand the full commitment we have made. Living Sacrifices is one aspect, being slaves of God is another. But we tend to struggle with the concept of slavery and what it really means in our lives.
The above presentation is just the slides, without audio. If you’d like to hear the audio for the lesson it’s available on Facebook.
Slaves of God — What Does A Slave Look Like? (Romans 6:22)
2020 May 24
Synopsis: Being transformed into glory, like Jesus, sounds wonderful. But being a slave of God isn’t as enticing. But being a slave is good company: James, Jude, Paul, Peter, and Jesus. Thanks to Darrel Yontz.
Slaves of God — Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant (Matthew 25:21)
2020 June 7
To be transformed to the image of Jesus, who came as a servant, we must understand what it means to be a good and faithful servant. The parable Jesus demonstrates that both attitude and action must be transformed from a worldly way of thinking about our relationship with our Master. We are also warned of the danger of claiming Jesus as Lord, but not doing what he says. Again, borrowed thoughts from Darrel Yontz.
With Most of Them God Was Not Pleased (1 Corinthians 10:1-5)
2020 June 14
Although God chose the Israelites as his people and rescued them from Egypt and cared for them in the wilderness, with most of them God was not pleased because of their cravings for evil things. We are told that we must learn from this. Is God pleased with me? While claiming to follow Him, do I really obey him in all things? Borrowed thoughts from Darrel Yontz.
Discerning the Will of God (Romans 12:1-2)
2020 June 21
The transforming of our minds is so that we can discern God’s will and choose to follow it. We’ll learn why this is a real struggle for us and the importance and blessing of whole heartedly following God’s will. Concept “borrowed” from Darrel Yontz … again.
Think with Sober Judgment (Romans 12:3)
2020 June 28
Paul’s instructions for our transformation begins with how we think of ourselves. Too often we think too highly of ourselves and so become selfish and useless to our God. When we think with sober judgment, we recognize that all that we are and all that we have are from God and we must use them to His glory. Thanks for Darrel Yontz ideas.
Having Gifts … Let Us Use Them (Romans 12:6-8)
2020 July 5
God has given us gifts and expects us to use them for His kingdom and our local congregation. Thanks to Darrel Yontz.
True Love! (Romans 12:9)
2020 July 12
Jesus instructs us to transform our love. Feigned love is normal in the world, but we must beware of the danger of holding on to that way of loving. Our love must be genuine, like the love of Jesus. Thanks to Darrel Yontz. Still.
Sorry, no audio. Audio of the lesson can be heard on Facebook, beginning about 1:30.
Abhor Evil; Hold Fast to Good (Romans 12:9)
2020 July 19
Transformation takes place when we learn to recognize that what the world has called good is often evil, so we must learn to abhor evil and learn from God what is good and cling to that. For many of us the struggle is that we don’t really abhor evil, we think we can toy with it and still be safe from it’s influence in our hearts. But we must remember that God will judge us our hearts. Darrel Yontz influenced this lesson.
Brotherly Affection (Romans 12:10)
2020 July 26
Am I my brother’s keeper? In a variety of ways, we are reminded that we are to care for our brothers. Brotherly affection is a vital change for us to make so that we love each other as God has taught us. Too often we think of our membership in a church as being part of an organization, instead of a relationship that must be developed and maintained. Inspired-ish by Darrel Yontz.
The Zealous Spirit of God’s Servant (Romans 12:11)
2020 August 2
The struggle to keep our relationship with God active and meaningful each day.
Thriving Through Tribulation (Romans 12:12)
2020 August 9
Tribulation will come, so Paul reminds us that because we are transformed we can thrive in spite of the difficulties. We must rejoice in hope, endure, and constantly pray. (Thanks Darrel)
Others! (Romans 12:15-16)
2020 August 23
The world insists that I must focus on myself first and foremost. Our transformation in Christ reminds us that we must develop sympathy, harmony, and humility as we serve others.
Be A Blessing (Romans 12:14, 17-21)
2020 September 6
Elisha tells King Ahab to not strike down their enemies, but to feed them and give them drink. Too often we are like the world in the way that we treat our enemies, instead of being like our Father. In this lesson, Paul reminds us that our transformed mind would choose to be a blessing to our enemies: changing how we think, talk, and treat them.
Be Subject to the Governing Authorities (Romans 13:1-7)
2020 September 13
One transformation that we struggle with as disciples is being subject to the government. In this lesson we’ll examine what it means to be subject to the governing authorites, to not resist, and to obey God rather than men.
Love Owed (Romans 13:8-10; 14:1 – 15:3)
2020 September 20
Paul teaches us that a transformed mind understands that we owe it to one another to love each other. He makes this practical in discussing the struggles the Roman saints had in how they treated each other when they disagreed over various issues. Paul makes very powerful points about what love between brethren should look like.
No audio for this lesson. Sorry.
Wake UP!!! (Romans 13:11-14)
2020 September 27
Romans 13:11-14: Paul powerfully reminds us that we must wake up, because of our tendency to be complacent. Because our salvation is nearer, he teaches us to put off darkness, put on light and walk properly. This reminds us that our transformation is not just about ourselves, but about our influence on this world to be transformed also.