Lessons present to encourage us during our time staying home.
Open Eyes (2 Kings 6:15-19)
2020 March 22
The account of Elisha and his servant reminds us of the reality of fear and reasons for fear but also of the reality of our God being greater than our fears.
Unfortunately the above video doesn’t have audio. If you’d like to hear the audio for the lesson, you can find it on FaceBook (but the words on the slides are backwards) or on YouTube (but the video is not great).
My Comfort in My Affliction (Psalm 119:150)
2020 March 29
Our Father is the God of all comfort. In the midsts of afflictions, when we wonder how long we must endure, we can be assured that our God will comfort us. In this lesson we’ll see that the comforts us in our salvation, discipline, and the Word, and the Holy Spirit. It’s vital that we respond by comforting those around us who are afflicted also.
Again this video does not have audio. You may hear the lesson on Facebook and YouTube (with poor video quality).
Joy in the God of My Salvation (Habakkuk)
2020 April 5
Habakkuk didn’t understand what God was doing, and found the answer even more confusing. Jehovah reminds him that the righteous must live by faith. Five lessons are derived from this book: Ask Questions; Honor God; Wait for God; Joy in Jehovah; and Go Up to the High Places.
The above presentation is just the slides, without audio. If you’d like to hear the audio for the lesson it’s available on Facebook and YouTube (But the video is not good again.). Sorry.
Salvation Belongs to Jehovah (Jonah)
2020 April 12
Jonah struggled with God’s desire that Nineveh would repent. In this lesson we’ll learn important lessons about the Jehovah’s presence, Jehovah’s appointing, Anger and Prayer.
The above presentation is just the slides, without audio. If you’d like to hear the audio for the lesson it’s available on Facebook and YouTube.
The Shelter of the Most High (Psalm 91)
2020 April 19
This Psalm describes what it means to have trust in God, finding him to be our shelter and refuge when we face various troubles. It concludes by reminding us to love him, know him, and cry out to him.
The above presentation is just the slides, without audio. If you’d like to hear the audio for the lesson it’s available on Facebook and YouTube.