Jesus Increased
2023 April 30
Luke 2:39-52: Jesus teaches us that to enter the kingdom of heaven we must become like children. In this lesson we see that in his youth Jesus increased in wisdom providing a reminder of our need to grow in the wisdom of God.
Mature Children!
2023 May 7
Considering the paradox of our imperative to mature in Christ and yet turn and be like children. It seems the emphasis on the contrast between worldly wisdom and wisdom that comes from God.
Who Is Your Father?
2023 May 14
John 8:31-47: Exploring the struggle we have with knowing if we are really children of God or not.
And Calling to Him a Child
2023 May 28
Matthew 18:1-6: When trying to find out who is greatest in the kingdom, Jesus used a child to help the disciples to understand true greatness in the eyes of God. And the first step in that humility is to hear the call of Jesus and come to him.
Whoever Humbles Himself – part 1
2023 May 28
Matthew 18:4: Jesus points us to the humility of a child if we are to enter the Kingdom of God. Several passages warn us of the dangers of striving to be humble. The humble child doesn’t seek honor, nor do they compare themselves with others, nor are they hypocrites, and they don’t force or falsify humility.
Whoever Humbles Himself – part 2
2023 June 4
Matthew 18:4: This lesson continues the thoughts of what it means to be humble like a child. Now more positively, understanding that those who are humble depend on God’s grace (not themselves), they are clothed in humility, count others more significant, are motived by love and welcome the child.
Long for The Pure Spiritual Milk
2023 July 2
1 Peter 2:2: Peter reminds us that we need to be longing for God’s Word since we have been saved by it and so that we can grow into our salvation. He reminds us that it is imperishable, pure, spiritual, we can grow up, and the Lord is good.
Children Receiving Children
2023 July 9
Matthew 18:5 – Jesus teaches us that we must receive children. But we have a long track history of separating instead of receiving. In this lesson we are reminded by Jesus to seek out those who are sick and sinners, to show mercy, to commend the faith of those who are struggling.