Considering the life of Jesus as our brother in the flesh.
2023 January – March
Firstborn Among Many Brothers
2023 January 1
Romans 8:28-30; Hebrews 2:9 – 3:6: Jesus came to save us, to make us in his image. But he did that by becoming one of us, sharing in all our suffering and struggles, so that we could be his brothers and so that he could help us.
The Tempter Came
2023 January 8
Luke 4:1-13; Jesus was tempted so that he could help us when we are tempted. In this lesson we look at the passages Jesus quoted in answering the tempter’s temptations.
The Wondrous Cross
2023 January 15
Galatians 6:14: Jesus, as our brother, chose to go to the cross so that he could defeat the devil and death and so that we could be glorified in Him. Who will you boast in? (Adapted from “The Wondrous Cross,” in The Cross by Martyn Lloyd-Jones)
2023 January 22
John 1:19-51: John the Baptizer came to reveal Jesus to the world. There are many references in the Old Testament to the one who is coming, the Lamb of God, the Son of God, the Messiah, the Prophet and the King. Do you know Jesus?
2023 January 29
Luke 4:16-30: When Jesus came to save his people, they rejected him. He knows what it feels like when we feel left out and alone, rejected and not accepted. Insight from this article: https://lookingupward.org/2019/10/07/to-another-village-the-biblical-response-to-rejection/
He Was Heard
2023 February 5
Matthew 15:21-28: Prayer is a great gift given to us by our Father. Sometimes, though, prayer is intense and answers aren’t what we expect, but we are assured that we are heard when we seek with reverence and trust God’s will. This lesson reminds us to pray with intensity like our brother did.
Follow Me
2023 February 19
Matthew 8:18-22: Although Jesus called some to follow him, and often great crowds followed him, following Jesus is harder than we think. But our brother knows our struggles for he has left all to save us.
Where Will You Sit?
2023 March 5
Luke 14:7-11: It’s not that it’s wrong to seek glory, honor, and greatness. Rather we need to follow the example of our brother and allow our Father to glorify us.S
I Desire Mercy
2023 March 12
Matthew 9:13: Jesus reminds us that he came to show mercy not to condemn others. We must learn to not be hard hearted even toward sinners. Mercy triumphs over judgment.
Help The Weak
2023 March 26
Acts 20:35: Jesus sets the example for us of helping the weak both in teaching them and in physically helping them. The importance of this is emphasized when we see this kindness being used as a factor in our judgment.
2023 April 2
Hebrews 11:2 — God commends those who have faith in him.
Consider Him
2023 April 9
Hebrews 12:1-3 — The Hebrew writer reminds us of what faith really is. In this lesson we are reminded by looking at the faith of Abraham and Sarah. And also looking to Jesus. They teach us to lay aside what hinders us, and to endure, and not grow weary or despondent. Considering Jesus teaches us to endure and attain glory.