Bone & Flesh & Faith

Holy Women Who Hoped in God

She Hid The Messengers: Rahab’s Faith and Works

2024 June 9

Joshua 2:1-21: Rahab teaches that we don’t have to perish and that we can be justified. She teaches faith, works and grace.

Anna: Waiting for the Redemption

2024 June 16

Luke 2:36-38: Anna was a prophetess waiting for the redemption. As a widow, she teaches us to be devout. As a prophetess she reminds us to use our God given gift. As a worshipper she shows how we can live in the presence of God. And her zeal in speaking of Jesus, inspires us to share the good news also.

Awake, Awake, Deborah: Our Call to Action

2024 July 7

Judges 4-5: Jehovah knew that his people needed a very special leader at this time and he chose Deborah, mother, prophetess, and judge. She was active in saving her people from Sisera and helping them turn back to God and evaluate their own hearts and actions. She calls us to action also.

One Thing: Martha & Mary

2024 July 14

Luke 10:38-42; John 11:1-46; John 12:1-8: Martha and Mary are often portrayed as a contrast in choosing the right priorities, but that’s based on an oversimplified application. There’s so much more in the character of these women that’s important for us to learn. The “One Thing” in this passage is presented as Jesus and keeping our focus on him is paramount, whether we are busy serving or burdened with sorrows. We can go to him and serve him and listen to him and worship him.