Holy Women Who Hoped in God

She Hid The Messengers: Rahab’s Faith and Works
2024 June 9
Joshua 2:1-21: Rahab teaches that we don’t have to perish and that we can be justified. She teaches faith, works and grace.
Anna: Waiting for the Redemption
2024 June 16
Luke 2:36-38: Anna was a prophetess waiting for the redemption. As a widow, she teaches us to be devout. As a prophetess she reminds us to use our God given gift. As a worshipper she shows how we can live in the presence of God. And her zeal in speaking of Jesus, inspires us to share the good news also.
Awake, Awake, Deborah: Our Call to Action
2024 July 7
Judges 4-5: Jehovah knew that his people needed a very special leader at this time and he chose Deborah, mother, prophetess, and judge. She was active in saving her people from Sisera and helping them turn back to God and evaluate their own hearts and actions. She calls us to action also.
One Thing: Martha & Mary
2024 July 14
Luke 10:38-42; John 11:1-46; John 12:1-8: Martha and Mary are often portrayed as a contrast in choosing the right priorities, but that’s based on an oversimplified application. There’s so much more in the character of these women that’s important for us to learn. The “One Thing” in this passage is presented as Jesus and keeping our focus on him is paramount, whether we are busy serving or burdened with sorrows. We can go to him and serve him and listen to him and worship him.
If I Perish: The Wisdom and Courage of Esther
2024 August 11
Esther reminds us of the importance of living excellently, being salt and light in our society; of being facing dilemma and listening; of living courageously before God and man; and using wisdom to help God’s people.
My Wish and My Request: The Wisdom of Esther
2024 August 18
Esther reminds us of the importance of using wisdom to help God’s people.
She Who Believed: Mary the Mother of Jesus
2024 August 25
Luke 1:45: Elizabeth praises Mary because she believed. When Gabriel told Mary of God’s favor and plan for her and her son, she believed and accepted God’s will. She is a powerful reminder of how powerful belief really is.
The Mercy of the Lord: Mary’s Praise
2024 September 1
Luke 1:46-55 — Mary’s praise divides into two parts. The first an expression of her relationship with God and what he has done for her, which is ultimately described as mercy. The second looks to what God has done for Israel and all the world in his mercy to send the savior for our salvation.
Faith & Laughter: Sarah (Part 1)
2024 September 8
Hebrews 11:11: Four lessons we can learn from Sarah: The children of promise – hope in God; pursue righteousness; faith; and laughter. This lesson covers the first of these.
Faith & Laughter: Sarah (Part 2)
2024 September 15
Hebrews 11:11: Four lessons we can learn from Sarah: The children of promise – hope in God; pursue righteousness; faith; and laughter. This lesson covers the final three.
God of Seeing – Hagar
2024 September 22
Genesis 16:13: Hagar was afflicted and mistreated by Sarah and Abraham. In this lesson we see that she had faith in Jehovah despite that bad behavior. She was blessed to encounter Jehovah twice as he saved her and Ishmael. In doing so, we learn that Jehovah hears, sees, and cares for her.
Rabboni: Mary Magdalene
2024 October 13
John 20:11-18: Mary Magdalene provides important lessons about our devotion to Jesus. She ministered to Jesus during his life and was there for him during his most difficult times at the cross. She reminds us to have a deep meaningful relationship with Jesus and to be devoted to helping him to proclaim the kingdom.
Helper: Eve (part 1)
2024 October 27
Eve reminds us of the value of women and the absolute importance and necessity of being a helper.
Deceived: Eve (part 2)
2024 November 3
Genesis 3:13: In this lesson we explore the struggle Eve had with temptation, sin, and being deceived along with the consequences of her actions. But she was honest about what happened. We are also reminded that she is the mother of all living, reminding us of God’s grace and our hope in Christ.
Go And Tell
2024 November 17
Using the examples of the women at the resurrection; Lois and Eunice; Priscilla; Lydia and the Samaritan woman this lesson reminds us of the power of teaching in every aspect of our lives.
Pouring Out My Soul: Hannah (Part 1)
2024 November 24
1 Samuel 1 : Hannah was a tormented woman who prayed before Jehovah. She reminds that there are times when, though others may not comprehend, we must pour out our souls before our Lord.
Praying to Jehovah: Hannah (Part 2)
2024 December 1
1 Samuel 1:19-2:21: Hannah was no longer sad having been given hope, and Jehovah was gracious in remembering her, and so her second prayer exults in Jehovah as he continues to bless her. Hannah reminds us that we have a gracious God that we can hope in and pray to.
Great Faith: The Syrophoenician Woman
2024 December 8
Matthew 15:21-28; Mark 7:24-30: Great faith is about knowing who Jesus is, understanding his power, and trusting in his mercy.
Calamity: Naomi/Mara
2024 December 15
Ruth 1:21: Naomi who described herself as bitter. Her grief was great, but she did not abandon her faith in Jehovah. Naomi reminds us that even in our struggles we can still see the kindness of Jehovah and hope in him. Ultimately, that hope is in Jesus who redeems us from our sins and returns us to our relationship with our God.
Kindness — Ruth
2024 December 22
Ruth teaches us about kindness and the many aspects of kindness. Kindness is godlike; devoted; determined; responsive; considerate; and a blessing.
The End.